Envoi from le Moulin

Katherine Gallagher at le Moulin

I go from here chastened,
chastised for being me,
demoralised and dampened,
morale suffering from shock

for redundant complex words
and too much of my truth;
for  a dismal lack of willingness
to think outside the box.

Is this supposed to make me
suppress my inner voice,
write fluid verse that’s free
from self and honesty.

I’ve made backward progress,
to the bottom of the class.
Try as I might, you send me
crashing on my arse.

I’ve just arrived home at the end of an intensive week-long poetry workshop.  Whether or not I gained from it you can judge for yourselves from this poem, which brought the house down at the last-night-reading.

Apologies to all my poeming friends whose blogs I have not had time to visit this week.

About https://vivinfrance.wordpress.com

All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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11 Responses to Envoi from le Moulin

  1. Viv, I understand how you feel… there’s a certain self-assessment at conferences that always turns negative, but shrug it off, babe. I LOVE hearing about your take on things, your life. Hell, if I didn’t write about myself and my whacky family, I wouldn’t have a blog, hee hee.

    That final line, no wonder you brought down the house! Falling on your arse, indeed… love, Amy

    Heart. Heart. Heart.


  2. Misky says:

    I rather like this poem, so I’d call your experience a success if this is the result. 🙂


  3. whimsygizmo says:

    :)! LOVE this, Viv.


  4. Oh, Viv, you’re wonderful. I am sorry you feel this way.



  5. This is a proof of why I’m hesitant to do a workshop/retreat… at some point, it becomes writing to please others instead of writing to please yourself, and I feel that can suck the charm out of it. (Though, as you demonstrate here, don’t go down without a fight!) I hope it was a constructive experience, after everything’s weighed and measured… chin up, stiff lips!


  6. Tilly Bud says:

    I don’t see the humour, I’m afraid. You sound demoralised.


  7. margo roby says:

    Not a fun way to feel, even with a healthy dose of confidence. One thing I know, you won’t stay crashed for long, or demoralised, or chastened for that matter. I am glad you took the mickey out of the situation. Vive la ViV!


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