
Jock’s latest, finished last night.  It was difficult to photograph because he’s framed it, so there is my camera-wielding shadow and other bits and bobs that shouldn’t be there.

7 Responses to Weiwei

  1. Wei says:

    It is great! Just like real… 🙂 unbelievable!


  2. Alice says:

    How does one do that? Stunning. Lovely to see your portrait too.


    • vivinfrance says:

      where? what portrait? The portrait of Wei – as all Jock’s work – starts with a photograph, then a line drawing on background fabric, which is slowly filled in with long and short stitch. Shading is accomplished by using 1 thread each of two different silks, gradually changing the intensity of colour.


      • Alice says:

        Your shadow portrait…under glass–heehee. Amazing–I can’t even untangle the threads or thread a needle most days.


  3. Pseu says:

    Shame about the shadows and reflections, but it is an amazing piece…


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