Wedding present bedrunner

My Great-Nephew just sent me a photo of the wedding present bedrunner I made for them.  I was in such a rush to send it that I forgot to take a picture of the completed piece.Tom and Harriet's wedding quile

11 Responses to Wedding present bedrunner

  1. Eha says:

    Very comfortable and elegant to slip under when the night owl calls! Am I totally wrong or do Napoleonic themes somewhat enter the door . . . ?


  2. I love those colors. If I divorce my husband and remarry him, will you make me one!? :0)


    • You don’t need to go to such lengths, but you’ll have to join the queue: I have another wedding present quilt to finish as soon as I’m on my feet, and the wedding’s been and gone! Where should I send it?


      • Tee hee. I can’t help but think for us “elderly matrons” the these creative things we love are what keep us getting back on our feet and vibrant. If you’re serious about the queue, add me to it, but you’ll have to hand deliver it.Ha. Perhaps to the desert when it’s cold and foggy in Normandy!


  3. Oh my goodness!! What a treat to see this project completed and then where it actually lives! So cool. Thank you for sharing Viv and keep up the beautiful work!


  4. neil reid says:

    Yes yes, then the love was returned with this picture, and as you well deserve for the lovely gift from you Viv!


  5. colonialist says:

    It looks impressive, indeed. The time it must have taken you should give them a quilt complex.


  6. Lynda says:

    So lovely, Viv! I particularly like the applique in the center.


  7. It is so elegant Viv, what a wonderful wedding present. 🙂


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