Sally’s Sofa Cover

As yet un-sandwiched and unquilted.  Quilting will be a mammoth undertaking.


I’m calling this quilt “Oh Crumbs” because it is made of the tiniest crumbs (scraps) left over from other quilts, plus trimmed-off blocks, and the odd – very odd – larger pieces.  I’m hoping the quilting will tone it down a bit!

6 Responses to Sally’s Sofa Cover

  1. julie says:

    OH I really love your gorgeous quilt!! Such pretty colors…it will be so gorgeous when you are finished with the quilting!!


  2. I made one of these for my daughter, not exactly like yours but using new and old. I love how you blocked yours together.


  3. siggiofmaine says:

    Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. !


  4. Oh wow, Viv! This is fabulous!

    What I want to know is, how on earth do you find the time for these massive quilts and poeming, as well as everything else?


    • vivinfrance says:

      I have a Jock and a cleaning lady and a kind of system: – I poem mostly in bed, night and morning as you know, I cut out and piece quilts during most days, concurrently with hand quilting previously pieced quilts in the evenings watching tv. Loads of people with full time jobs and children do what I do without a Jock and a cleaner. I used to be like that and that’s what wore me out!


  5. before god invented dirt I attended Sunday School class and we made Stained glass windows, by shaving crayons between two pieces of wax paper and then the teacher used an iron with the waxed paper covered with a fabric and pressed until crayons melted and the colors looked like this cover when finished…so you now have “Sally’s Stained Glass Sofa Cover!” I like it and you are recycling!


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