
30.10.14 daisy

I can’t quite tread on 10

but the sight of a daisy on the (ho hum) lawn is enough to tell me that the year has turned.  Spears of daffodils are appearing in the pots, and the nights are drawing out.
The downside is that we have to go through a month or two of cold weather, but that’s OK:  I have a warm coat and knitted lots of scarves before Christmas.  Scarves are fashionable!  Jock’s new |(old) car is lovely, but I shan’t be driving it – too big.

About https://vivinfrance.wordpress.com

All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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19 Responses to 6-word-Saturday

  1. I love daisies; such cheerful flowers. Did you know that cows won’t eat them? I just read that yesterday.


  2. Suzy says:

    A very pretty daisy. Happy 2015


  3. Tonya Jastad says:

    What a happy photo Viv! We are about at least 3 months away from anything sprouting here, except maybe mold…


  4. Mlissabeth says:

    I read about your MGB GT V8 in the comments. That is my dream car, though I have never actually driven one. I can’t even drive a stick shift.


  5. Is it time for daisies already? Goodness – it will be Easter before we know it! 🙂


  6. cecilia says:

    wonderful.. a daisy! oh the joy of it and asparagus peeping up? Did you get lots of daffs into this new garden? c


  7. restlessjo says:

    All sounds well with you two 🙂 We have a load of snowdrops in our front garden so I’m hopeful.
    Happy and healthy 2015 to you!


  8. Have a warm, safe and healthy year, Viv. We’re heading towards spring! Well, sort of. After winter and all. 😉


  9. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    You have a daisy? Blessed are you! Happy 2015!

    Six Words and Shadows


  10. Jim says:

    Good on the Jock’s new (old) car. Wonder what it is?
    I have two old cars I need to get going again. One is a
    1974 Ford Mustang II Ghia that belonged to my mom.
    The other is a 1950 Ford Custom Deluxe Tudor.


    • A Citroen C5, 5-years-old, so not antique. I was happy with the old Picasso, which I could drive and park safely, but Jock has a rooted passion for big cars. I’ve done the antique car thing – my first car was a 1934 Austin 7. and then we had a pre-war Talbot 10 sports car. Iin more mature years, I had a 1974 MGB GT v8 – it frightened the life out of me!


  11. Judy says:

    I knit a lot of scarves as well as neck warmers. Going to need them.


  12. Ron. says:

    Still living in the extended dark here, V, without even a hope of any new vegetation anytime soon. Currently at -14C; a scarf would be handy. I’m happy for you, though.


  13. tialys says:

    I came out of the cinema yesterday late afternoon (went to see ‘Paddington’ – don’t judge me!) and it was still quite light at 17.45. I haven’t seen any daisies yet but that might be because I’ve been staying close to the log burner.

    Liked by 1 person

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