Weather woes and other gripes

Drear fatigue and pain
banish  laughter from a day
of persistent rain

or maybe Stinking Irisstinking iris

unlike yesterday
when sunshine blessed the village,
flowers graced my way.

common  speedwell       Common Speedwell

??????????????????????????????? my window box violas

why is mood so linked
to weather, colour of sky?
Imagine the blue.

sown on Monday 

what are they sowing/

What are they sowing?
surely not more maize again
under the plastic?

I’d hoped at the least
to find plump red strawberries
by July or August.

some early Garriguettes  in our  patio pot – May is too soon. 

Why oh why, WordPress,
can I not arrange pictures
and words how I want?


All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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12 Responses to Weather woes and other gripes

  1. It’s funny about mood and weather. I always feel my spirits lift when the sun comes out, even when I haven’t been particularly miserable.


  2. restlessjo says:

    My mood usually links to the weather, Viv, but occasionally I can transcend it. I’m going to give it a jolly good try today. 🙂 Sorry about the aches and I do know what you mean about WP. I turn my back on them for 2 seconds and they change something!


  3. Jo Woolf says:

    Hope your weather clears up, Viv, and the pain eases for you. I love the violas. It’s raining here too, cold and windy, if that’s any consolation!


  4. thehutts says:

    We have a poor forecast for a while and we have a big event at Kielder Castle to organise this weekend – Vintage car rally ending up at the Castle on Saturday followed by a Vintage Car show on Sunday. I shall be litter picking in the the rain tomorrow :(.
    You need to come for a lesson on placing photos in wordpress but we often swear a lot in the process and have to reach a compromise with WordPress :).


  5. I love your images, Viv and your words…I feel your frustration and your sunshine…beautiful post my friend. 🙂


  6. Rain is dreadful here today. I hope your pains ease.
    Shame about your pictures going awry ~ hope WP can sort that out for you x


  7. b_young says:

    You seem to have come to a pretty respectable truce with WP. It can be a bear.


  8. anjum wasim dar says:

    beautiful Nature poem with a realistic truthful ending-


  9. colonialist says:

    Isn’t that a syngonium?
    The violas should cheer you up, anyway!


    • No – a syngonium is a house plant in Northern Europe, being a native of tropical climes. No this is just a weed of the hedgerow, but I do like the leaves. Just don’t crush them as they smell horrid.
      The violas really do cheer me up – they are so long-lasting. I have them on all the front window sills.


  10. Ron. says:

    predictions for more temperate weather through next Tuesday (maybe a few showers this weekend, though). Some spotty green appearing on our back hill yesterday. We’re getting there. Slowly. Have a great day, V.


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