wordle 147 – The Flood

Gutsy folk flee to higher ground,
plucked from all that is familiar
to gather, bereft, in halls and churches,
grasp at rumours of rescue
from the unaccustomed body of water.
Bewildered cattle clatter into trucks,
rue their quiet routine, gone it seems for ever –
invisible pastures listed among the lost.
And still the storms roar in.

The Sunday Whirl will have more interpretations of this week’s wordle words.  The media are full of dramatic images of the floods in SW England, which have disrupted the lives of countless people for the last 7 weeks.  My sympathies are particularly with the farmers who face the loss of their herds, the pollution of their land, and financial ruin.

About https://vivinfrance.wordpress.com

All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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22 Responses to wordle 147 – The Flood

  1. Pamela says:

    Very late getting here to read, Viv. You have done a find job with the words. Things are much worse at the home here.



  2. “There’s no climate change.” What a load of… well, cattle poop. My hometown had THREE “hundred-year floods” in FIVE years. I’m heartsick about the crises in Europe, and just as worried about our farmers here in the US as well. This Wordle certainly stirred you, Viv. A poetic poem calling for action. Thanks, Amy


  3. This had a special resonance for me as I look out of my window across flooded marshland here on the south coast. Timely and topical.


  4. restlessjo says:

    So poignant, Viv 🙂 Right on the money!


  5. kkkkaty1j says:

    I like rue their quiet routine…;)


  6. So poignant, Viv.

    Can I suggest you cut ‘straws’? The line would work without it.


  7. Mama Zen says:

    Beautifully done, Viv!


  8. You’ve captured the trials and tribulations of rural life well.


  9. Oh you use the words to perfection… this winter all is upside… we should have freezing … and maybe snow… but it’s like November…


  10. Climate chaos indeed! We have snow and below zero (F) temps. Where my daughter in CA lives, no rain for a year! Nicely expressed.


  11. 1sojournal says:

    Harsh imagery but real and honest. One can only have compassion for the victims both human and animals.


    Not Your Routine Poet


  12. excellent. Frightening images.


  13. WabiSabi says:

    Tragic! There aren’t too many things more fearsome than rising water and you have captured this with brutal honesty! ‘Bewildered cattle clatter,’ brings to mind all refugees from these natural disasters.


  14. Those poor farmers. I wonder when you see these stories in the news, what will happen to them, how do they begin again?


  15. annell4 says:

    This was a scary one! Makes me think about the time we were trapped in the studio downtown and couldn’t get home because the streets were flooded.


  16. virtualDavis says:

    Bravo! A monument erected out of recycled lives and loss. Poignant snapshot but grounded in endurance. Thank you.


  17. Oooh I do love this one – although it is troubling – the language “cattle clatter” for example is just lovely


  18. oldegg says:

    Few really understand the trials of being on the land. You capture a poignant moment here very well.


  19. colonialist says:

    Appropriate uses of the prompts, indeed.
    There is a strong slant towards sogginess in much recent writing!


  20. Life in the rough. Not a ‘pastorale’ by a long shot.

    Liked by 1 person

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