We Wordle Number 3

We Write Poems is branching out in new directions, and this week they give us a huge wordle from which to choose our words.

WWP wordle 3

Swans and lithe goddesses
throng the shore at ebb of tide,
fluttering insects seek their prey.
Beneath the lapis water,
creatures with scales play –
the lyricism of a staged ballet
swirling in concert, leaping away.
An illusory haze hovers
around the burgeoning moon
as hush descends.
It is night.

About https://vivinfrance.wordpress.com

All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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17 Responses to We Wordle Number 3

  1. catterel says:

    Thank you VIv, another lovely picture.


  2. I read this and think of Greek mythology — wonder if Zeus is hiding inside any of those swans ;). This is a beautiful scene that could easily become a painting.



  3. Irene says:

    So delightful. It has the feeling of dusk: the lyricism of a staged ballet.


  4. Lindy Lee says:

    Interesting arrangement of the choices given…


  5. 1sojournal says:

    Your wordle enjoyment shines through making a vivid and superb image, Viv. Brava!


    Sparking Pandemonium


  6. “Beneath the lapis water,
    creatures with scales play –
    the lyricism of a staged ballet
    swirling in concert, leaping away.”

    This esp., really, really lovely. I am in awe of this one!


  7. This reads as if the opening to a beautiful ballet or play.


  8. restlessjo says:

    These wordles fascinate me, Viv. I just took a look at the rules and it doesn’t sound too scarey. But I don’t write poetry. 🙂 Hope this week’s off to a better start?


  9. colonialist says:

    It always amazes me how you are able to create something so coherent, artistic and meaningful out of imposed words!


  10. Talk about serendipity…this morning I was thinking about how much I miss the swan that used to be on the little lake outside my window. He was killed a couple of years ago by an arrant golf ball. :0( So today, he stopped by for a little visit.


    • aberrant or errant? I had to laugh at the idea of an arrant golf ball standing up and berating its owner for lifting his head!

      Swans are the only thing I enjoy about being in hospital: there is a lake outside with two swans that I have known for nearly 20 years.


  11. I felt like I was watching an artist paint a picture as I read this, and I guess I was, actually.


  12. cecilia says:

    Oh this makes me long for summer and insects!.. morning viv.. c


  13. Misky says:

    I love the way the last night drops off: short and quick.


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