
I’ve waved them off – sad/free

My son and his lovely girlfriend Weiwei have just driven off en route for Paris via Versailles (not exactly on the way!) after a great week.  I’m so happy to see them, but find visits very tiring with all the cooking etc.  We had a lot of  fun learning to play Mah Jong, and I taught Weiwei the basics on the keyboard so that she can start learning the piano when she gets back to Germany (where she lives).

I’ve managed, just, to keep up with a poem a day for Napowrimo, but have not read very many of other people’s poems, so I have 89 notifications in my inbox.  Washing on, then to work….


About https://vivinfrance.wordpress.com

All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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16 Responses to 6-word-Saturday

  1. Jim says:

    I am glad you had a good time, Viv ~~ He did that Weiwei up very nicely.
    Here is hoping you get caught up quickly. 🙂 ‘BTW, I have a separate folder of the e-mail from the blog comments that I don’t get to answer. Not many, but a few. I try to make sure that they will have a priority IF they will come back.


  2. Linda says:

    Having house guests is so much fun…but also tiring! Glad you enjoyed their visit though. I know it is hard to say good-bye.

    Happy Saturday!


  3. mlissabeth says:

    I am working and doing laundry too. “No rest for the weary…” Take care.


  4. Viv, I got it all from your title. I feel the same after Riley has visited. Mostly sad, but glad she’s got her own life.

    The only Mah Jong I’ve played is on the computer, and I’m sure it’s not the proper version. I do love dominoes, if only for that same “click, clack’ of the tiles.

    Get some rest. Good Lord, you subscribe to, I don’t know, 468 blogs?? Hee hee. Love, Amy


  5. I am glad you all had a good time!


  6. judyt54 says:

    Viv, no matter how much you love your guests, and no matter how much you sincerely protest as they load the car and hug you goodbye, a fair sized chunk of you is thinking, ‘oh god I have the bathroom back”. Feet up, eyes closed, you’ve earned it.


  7. granny1947 says:

    Sad/free…I just love that!


  8. restlessjo says:

    I’m fighting the Inbox fight too, Viv. They seem to just gang up on a person sometimes.
    Take it easy for a day or two. Caution! (I know it doesn’t come naturally)


  9. Jeanie says:

    Fun, but tiring…..sounds like a good family visit.


  10. Again I agree with Tilly, you should rest for a few days before doing anything else. I’m so glad that you had a wonderful visit with your son and his girlfriend.:)


  11. Wayne says:

    Sounds like it was a nice visit.


  12. Judy says:

    Love the visits! Hate the work!


  13. Ron. says:

    TB’s right: rest first. No matter how much we love them, departure is often the best part of family visits.

    I did the poem-a-day thing three (and two) years ago, & it almost killed me. Take care, V!


  14. I know what you mean. I love having guests, but I also quite like it when they leave and I can relax without worrying about feeding them! 🙂


  15. You should rest before anything else.

    Glad you had a good week.


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