
Ample portions
indulged in regularly,
lead to ampler proportions
in the consumer,
which lead in turn
to buying new clothes
to fit and fill a larger wardrobe,
thus greed is good for business.
This tarradiddle is my 33 word contribution to the Trifecta Prompt to write about the third definition of the word “ample”.


All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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12 Responses to Ample

  1. Trifecta says:

    Haha! I like it. I live in Hong Kong, and I’m far too skinny despite my best efforts to gain. When I go back to the US for visits, I find I can’t buy anything at the stores there. Nothing fits. I credit public transportation and, ya know, walking with the level of fitness I see here in Hong Kong. Gotta keep moving!


  2. Well said, are business greedy, or just feeding on it (pun intended)
    Your structure is great, this was an enjoyable piece. Thanks for sharing!


  3. Gina says:

    They are all in it together to get us expanding and spending more money. I love food so I “get” how ample happens slowly but surely!


  4. I’m the only woman I know who’s trying to put on weight and succeeding, but I go to second-hand stores for new jeans because I like ’em broken in! This is clever and oh, so true. But why are all the sizes starting with “0”? That’s just plain WRONG. Peace, Amy

    Incantations in Jazz


    • vivinfrance says:

      There’s no such thing as size “O” in these parts, nor in UK. The smallest size I ever wore in my young days was 10, and I was skeletal then. Now it’s (sh!) 16, and I’m a size overweight.


  5. lumdog says:

    The cycle of amplitude! You’ve captured this very well.


  6. Annabelle says:

    Americans are certainly the kings of ample all around! I hope it’s a little better in France?


  7. Sigh. I recognise myself in this 🙂


  8. Wisper says:

    Nice play on the word. It made me smile and it is oh so true!


  9. jannatwrites says:

    Ah, it all makes sense now. Maybe the restaurants are actually owned by clothing manufacturers 🙂


  10. ceciliag says:

    (much laughter!!) so that is why they up size all the portions!! c


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