A triumphant wordle

Not that I managed to use all of this week’s wordle words*  – I used only 6 and one of those was cut on editing – but that I managed to reduce to 33 words the emotion of the wonderful week for which I mourn the end.  Trifecta gave us the word TRIUMPH (noun) , and the definition  among others, of a notable success, to use in either 33 or 333 words.


Lips cannot utter
this triumph
of vaulting from
over stumbling block
to acceptance
of lesson
touched by the crutch
of a teacher who reached
deep inside me,
sent me dancing for joy.

*33 words, culled from  Brenda ‘s Wordle 63:  skin, lips, thin, snapshots, touch, other, act, hanging, gesture, stand, sent, utter 

Also linked at http://dversepoets.com/2012/07/03/openlinknight-week-51/

About https://vivinfrance.wordpress.com

All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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32 Responses to A triumphant wordle

  1. Chazinator says:

    You really catured the chi of this exultant moment! Perfectly placed words make the moment occur in the instant we read them. Excellent.


  2. pmwanken says:

    I could hear the sparkle in your voice and see the light dancing in your eyes…you must have had an incredible workshop week. I’m thrilled for you, ViV — especially since it wasn’t so long ago that your workshop week was a disappointment.

    Dance on!!


  3. zongrik says:

    i can’t help but think that the vaulting from standstill has something to do with the Olympics!

    yoga teacher limerick


  4. Chris G. says:

    So often forgotten in word and verse, it is good to know that some still remember the teachers, and the inspirations, that first set them on the path…


  5. Can’t get much better than dancing for joy, can you? Loved this !


  6. Beautifully spun, Viv! I love the ending, the tribute to a teacher who reached deep inside you and sent you dancing for joy.


  7. nan says:

    Joyful, fun, concise, and so well-written. Thank you, Viv!


  8. JulesPaige says:

    If only I had a pair of tap shoes and knew how to tap…
    I did something for trifecta…a favorite book summary in 33 words
    (but I don’t think I entered it correctly – never did get a response either…)
    But you might enjoy it.
    My wordle is here (also on the short side):


  9. markwindham says:

    wonderful. result of this weeks workshop? Must have been great.


  10. Viv, “sent me dancing for joy” is such a delightful image. Beautiful poem.



  11. Tumblewords says:

    Wonderfully crafted for a delightful tell!


  12. Mr. Walker says:

    Just lovely. We need more of this. Your line breaks are wonderful, adding so much to the conciseness of your words.



  13. My heart leapt at “dancing for joy”….lovely to have a teacher who does that! Or to BE a teacher who does that!


  14. 4joy says:

    Please, someone or something – send me dancing for joy…..what a lovely tribute to one who helped your ‘triumph’…..and I like short verse lines, so a win-win all around


  15. anl4 says:

    I like the joyfulness of your write!


  16. “to acceptance
    of lesson
    touched by the crutch
    of a teacher who reached”

    Viv!!! This is a joyful dance of a poem and this is the epitome for me!! So lovely!!


  17. 1sojournal says:

    Your joy is contagious Viv. Thank you. Makes for a wonderful Sunday morning feeling,



  18. brenda w says:

    I love this, Viv, especially that a teacher inspired you. That speaks volumes to that person, and I hope they are able to read this poem.


  19. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    This poem sings! Who cares if all the Wordle words were not used? The song is what counts!

    An Irish Whirl


  20. brian miller says:

    nice…i like the allusion to gymnastics…and i def know the power of being released and how a teacher can do just that…smiles…


  21. drpkp says:

    Terrific contrast between the almost magical touch of the. crutch and the resulting dance of joy. Lovely!


  22. Mary says:

    I DO feel the joy in this poem, Viv! The wordle words you DID use worked well for you!


  23. Irene says:

    Hmmm..there’s a vaulting quality to the way you have broken up the lines.


  24. Annette says:

    Very tight read.


  25. I dig it; you really did trim it down to its tightest possible shape, but managed to convey a lot without sounding clipped. That “sent me dancing for joy” is a wonderful phrase.


  26. Well titled! Your euphoria shrieks from every line 🙂


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