6-word-Saturday: where have all my friends gone?

Having pretty well blogged my week as it happened, I have little left to say.  Preparations for Carneval are hotting up, and yesterday I looked round the hangar at the  collection of half-finished floats and groaned!  We’ll never be ready in time for NEXT SUNDAY!

With Real Toads   gives us a song prompt,  “Blue” by American country/ folk/rock/ group Jayhawks , which begins with the line I have used to kick off my little poem.

Where have all my friends gone –
some ex-pats are repatriated
and some  have simply gone.
The older I get, the fewer remain.
Is it time for me to go?

But in fact I seem to make new friends every day, so that’s all right then.

About https://vivinfrance.wordpress.com

All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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21 Responses to 6-word-Saturday: where have all my friends gone?

  1. 4joy says:

    First, no carneval….now, no friends? Sympathies, but I am sure you’ll make the best of it all….


  2. Cate says:

    Your link worked!!!!!!! And I’m so glad – fun post writing from that prompt. Thanks for playing 6WS!


  3. pmwanken says:

    I feel I meet more friends ONLINE every day….it’s grand!


  4. restlessjo says:

    I get so cross when technology doesn’t work for me, Viv. But you made it! Good luck with the floats. With our weather around here, they’d be doing that literally.


    • vivinfrance says:

      All fingers are crossed – the weather forecast for next week is NOT good, and you can’t take paper and glue out in the rain. I’ve now been landed with making covers for three stools for the little girls.


  5. Helen says:

    Absolutely NOT time for you to go ~ anywhere!!


  6. Marian says:

    i’m with Ron, linger longer. so true and melancholy and blue.


  7. Archna says:

    Hi Vivin, it’s nice to meet you! I love the bunch that I’ve found here at Real Toads!


  8. Ron. says:

    Linger longer, V; do.


  9. Cheers to new friends, Viv!!! So nice seeing you @ Toads, too!!


  10. Wayne says:

    A nice and insightful post there…. It is amazing how time changes so much.


  11. Jim says:

    Third Fourth time was a charme, Viv! 🙂 LOL, but it really isn’t funny is it?

    Your remind me of my neighbors, the old ones. They were old in more ways than one. Old, as in ‘used to be neighbors,’ for sure. Also old because they moved to a retirement center.

    Yesterday morning I didn’t know they had moved, just knew that they were going to move. Then about 9:00 AM when the dogs and I went out to get the paper we saw a HUGE moving van pulling up. At first I thought they were moving. Then I figured out that the movers were bringing items in and that the new neighbors were moving in.

    So I went over and met our new neighbors, Pat and Lynn. They are about 12 (average) years younger than Mrs. Jim and I are (average) . Makes it 61 and 73 (average) ages. This might make us the new OLD neighbors in a way.

    Point is that old friends are fading and/or slipping away while new ones are bursting and/or slipping in.
    Thanks for peeking in on me this morning. It was last week’s Six Words. Today’s is here:
    http://jimmiehov.blogspot.com/2012/06/tv-watching-201-six-word-saturday.html .
    It has to do with my TV watching habits, well one at least. Cheers, 🙂


  12. You haven’t linked (again) to 6WS. Are you trying to avoid visitors?


  13. Pseu says:

    Not time for you to go, no, no, no!


  14. We lose friends along the way, but there are always new ones that come into our lives….an d no it is not time for you to go 🙂


  15. siggiofmaine says:

    The key to successful aging “they” say is always continue to make new friends.
    A sad fact of life, is that many people who don’t do this, find themselves the “last” one left.

    I applaud you for cherishing the ones from your youth and making new ones all the time.

    Your message was well written and thought provoking.
    Thank you,
    Siggi in Downeast Maine


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