
Octpowrim0 27 is all about seeing, and wants us to write in detail about what we see at this moment.  This prompt has resulted in a bit of a rambling free-write, but at least it’s truthful.


I see the bread proving,
impatient to taste it  dripping with butter.
I see a big stack of Welsh cakes in advance of hungry hordes,
perfuming the house with cinnamon.
A giant cast iron pot full of chicken.
Sweet and savory aromas make me drool.

I see a room full of creativity –
my cooking, my paintings, my patchwork, lace mats.
Jock’s sturdy oak furniture with tapestry backs
his pastel portraits and embroidered people,
camels, birds in flight, sheep.

I see his work-in-progress  and mine,
but he, like the piano, is asleep.
A jumble of ornaments, photos, our children and their children –
more of our makes.
tottering piles of books,
a vase of Kupa’s  all-seeing tail feathers received yesterday
from my farmy friend Celie in Illinois

I see brief sunlight, gilding the garden, melting the hailstones
lightening  the late October gloom.

I feel contentment, despite the aching back.

I hear Handel on the radio, the shush of a page turning when Jock wakes,
the perpetual ringing in my head
and the insistent buzz of the timer calling me to tend the bread.

 More pictures of quilts and embroideries can be found in the header bar above.


All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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18 Responses to Seeing

  1. Snakypoet (Rosemary Nissen-Wade) says:

    I always love the way you write of your life! 🙂


  2. PJF Sayers says:

    Lovely sights and scents, Viv. I love Jock’s needlepoint.



  3. Laurie Kolp says:

    Sounds like a colorful, aromatic sight with lots of creativity going on…


  4. pixilated2 says:

    Stunning work, and what a welcoming room you describe! ~Lynda


  5. brian miller says:

    wow that WIP is awesome…and how cool to be surrounded by so much creativity as well….


  6. Viv–I love this. You brought me to a room I would want to visit again.


  7. janehewey says:

    this poem filled my senses with light and contentment. oh my– the bread,the sleeping piano. wonderful.


  8. mlissabeth says:

    I like what you see, and what you say.


  9. cecilia says:

    Love that your received Kupa’s feathers and then included them in a poem and I agree with everyone the needle work is fantastic, and your poem says it all.. comfort, peace and Oh i so wish that i was asleep like the piano too.. my head aches today, i have no idea why.. c


  10. Sarah Bryson says:

    thanks for the view. Looks wonderful from here!
    And I’m quite envious of the peacock feathers 🙂


  11. Janet says:

    …and in the words of my 11 yr. old daughter, ‘that is really amazing’:) Thank-you again for sharing.


  12. Janet says:

    In the words of my 18 yr. old daughter to Jock’s art, ‘WOW! That is really, really cool’…


  13. Janet says:

    This poem really does make one smile in contentment. I am inspired to start a scent besides coffee in my own kitchen. Also your talent and the picture of Jock’s talent has warmed my heart this cold rainy morning. I enlarged Jock’s picture to study it. Is it stitching. It is STUNNING in its beauty and talent.


  14. It sounds idyllic, I like your view.


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