for Margo

Margo Roby’s Tuesday Tryout was a horror of a prompt for this metaphor-phobe, to think of an object and  list four or five previously unthought of uses for it.  There was a lot more to the prompt, but my mind seized up.  I read some of the other contributions, and remained in stasis.  Yesterday, being empty of poetry, I posted a recipe for Seriously Sinful Chocolate Cake.  This morning, still struggling, I suddenly thought Why not?   Mea culpa, Margo, but I forgot about your instruction to begin each line with an active verb.


A recipe for chocolate cake
can be an academic exercise,
to be read in an idle moment,
something to file and forget
or a temption to sin.
The making could be a challenge
and the baking problematic –
the result could be a disaster,
leading to guilty indigestion,
a few extra pounds on the hips;
a symphony of loveliness
or a poem in a poetry drought.


All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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4 Responses to for Margo

  1. Now I’m hungry. Really hungry. Chocolate cake is always worth the weight on the hips.


  2. markwindham says:

    It can indeed be all those things. 🙂


  3. margo roby says:

    ‘Mea culpa, Margo, but I forgot about your instruction to begin each line with an active verb.’
    I love it when people follow the exercise; I love it even more when they don’t, but have been prompted to a poem by it. Yes? Yes. More chocolate cake, ViV.


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