Wordle 89

Stormy morning, 29.12.12 from my bedroom.

Stormy morning, 29.12.12 from my bedroom.

A brooding sky promises
to deliver a dramatic storm.
No longer strewn with icy stars,
dawn shows a taste of what is to come.

Against a backdrop of purple and flame
a greedy wind whips up squalls,
kneads trees into tortured shapes,
trunks bending at a tangent.

Every flag points Northeast,
flicking and flapping to shreds.
The creek, swollen by weeks of rain
threatens to invade the pastoral peace.

Atlantic lows, as low can be
send too much weather
for comfort and safety –
the people cringe and pray for Spring.



 for the Sunday Whirl


About https://vivinfrance.wordpress.com

All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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34 Responses to Wordle 89

  1. Love picture and poem!


  2. Kay Davies says:

    I want a pet wordle like Corey had.
    Great stuff, Viv.


  3. Herotomost says:

    I had a pet wordle once…lol. this is a great picture of the weight that winter can bring to ones chest and the sigh of relief when you can breath again and pull out the short sleeves. Although the storms can be quite breathtaking…and they remind us that mother nature is always calling the shots. Loved it.


  4. Mary says:

    Wonderfully wordled, Viv! (reading here at dVerse) I didn’t try the wordle this week….too much else going on. Sigh.


  5. claudia says:

    oh my…sounds you had quite the weather challenges…the power of nature can get frightening at times…love the pic…


  6. Pamela says:

    Nice pic, Viv.



  7. brian miller says:

    oy weather can be such dangerous stuff…as we have definitely seen this year….in the derecho and the hurricanes…spring will come in its time…until then, peace….


  8. ManicDdaily says:

    Amazing picture, lovely well-put-together own.


  9. pmwanken says:

    Such a vivid description I nearly would not need the photo. But…that photo! How lovely to have the list of words fit so nicely into the picture you had snapped. Well done, my friend! *hugs*


  10. WabiSabi says:

    Your words perfectly compliment your brooding sky photo! Winter is here, trying not to cringe too much!! Happy New Year!


  11. coalblack says:

    It was nice of you to thank all the hardworking dverse bartenders. Too bad you did it at REAL TOADS, which has nothing whatever to do with dverse poets pub.


  12. I’m with granny 1947 – after a 3 day heatwave a bit of winter would be nice.

    Happy New Year.


  13. Mama Pajama says:

    nice – I felt the wind, and heard the flags snapping.


  14. Tumblewords says:

    Spectacular sky and words to match!


  15. Lindy Lee says:

    “Brooding sky” and “greedy winds”– nice writing, enjoyable read to which many can relate…


  16. Winter will come if we like it or not – so might as well find some beauty in it. Beauatiful photo & poem!


  17. The photo is gorgeous.The description of the weather so fitting, when will it end?


  18. siggiofmaine says:

    The photo is beyond words gorgeous. And your wordle a fitting response.☺


  19. Misky says:

    I can’t seem to warm-up this winter, and after reading your poem, I’m shivering again. Where’s my long-johns!


  20. …thoughts of Spring to come…ahhh…well done


  21. Laurie Kolp says:

    Yes, winter is not my favorite season. Happy New Year!


  22. julespaige says:

    I believe you did justice to this challenging wordle list. Our last winter storm disarmed two dead limbs from our willow. Gifts for my fireplace – once I cut them to fit.

    I ended up altering some of the words to make the tenses fit. I had an icy creek…but well you’ll see the banks are slightly different:

    Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year to you and yours.


  23. anl4 says:

    Any kind of weather can get old after a while…nice wordle.


  24. nan says:

    Brrrrr. Vivid descriptions. I like the inclusion of icy stars!


  25. Stan Ski says:

    Without the photo, I thought you were describing a summer day in Manchester 😉


  26. 1sojournal says:

    I’m not a fan of winter, but I love your photo. Your writing only enhances the image and makes me want to curl up in my nice warm bed.



  27. It’s hard to dislike storms when they bring skies like that.


  28. granny1947 says:

    Lovely and descriptive Viv.
    All I can say is roll on winter!


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