Unwelcome Change

Insidious change
creeps up on us
as we age
hair whitens
or falls out
strength lessens
or gives out
skills fail
bones are frail
hearing fuzzes
sight is muzzy
hearts betray
to our dismay
as we decay
I do not like it
one little bit.

Moaning Minnie wrote this for The Poets’ Pub, who wanted a much more positive kind of change, I’m sure.


About https://vivinfrance.wordpress.com

All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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37 Responses to Unwelcome Change

  1. stuartmcphersonpoet says:

    Firstly, apologies for being so late! and happy new year! This poem has a great quickening beat to it, maybe reflective of how time speeds up as we get older, and this heightens the message. I also like the honesty in this. Ageing is something not easily faced, i know i dont like to think about it!, it scares me…but you are confronting it head on here. V much enjoyed


  2. tigerbrite says:

    I can certainly identify with this Viv….I think I am still 21 but what I see in the mirror is not 😦


  3. Susan says:

    My Grandmother used to say, “Don’t let them fool you, this is not a golden age.” As you say, as you say, and I feel the same way about physical and mental change, but spiritual change I find to be quite exciting. I wonder if there is an interdependency here?


  4. charityv says:

    by definition of still romancing the small signs of aging i discover in me, and in the husband who gracefully ages beside me, i must be young.
    thank you for sharing your heart : )


  5. Don’t like it either, Viv. This past year I’ve noticed various signs of aging more than any other year. But then, I just turned 69. My 70th year. Yikes.


  6. janehewey says:

    it is rather a slap in the face when we realize we are physically decomposing. may your witty spirit fill your legs with steam for your fast walks.


  7. No-one likes it – not one little bit! What a fab poem, Viv.


  8. Looks like you struck a chord with, well…everyone!

    Including me. Love it.


  9. Kelvin S.M. says:

    ..but all of these must happen… to remind us that everything has to meet its end… sad to accept that we are slowly fading and decaying… soon we’ll all be leaving… and while there’s still time left for us we must not make spaces for regrets.. make a living worthwhile… and well spent.. happy new year.. smiles..


  10. Every time I get together with family I think of this as we are all changing. It can be unnerving for sure!


  11. Lindy Lee says:

    There comes a time in life when viewing one’s backside in the mirror is definitely not advisable…


  12. ayala says:

    I hear you…. not easy to accept the changes that happen to us. Happy New Year !


  13. Ruth says:

    I hear you, Viv, and am with you all the way… Thanks, er, MM 😉


  14. Nara Malone says:

    Yeah, I’m not keen on all the decaying either 😦 But it is better than the alternative.


  15. Whenever I complain to my Maman about new gray hairs or new wrinkles or aching joints, she pooh poohs them and alerts me to her ailments and then says that all this is far better than the alternative. I think that perhaps if I could put my plaints against the changes that are coming in poetic verse maybe my Maman would be more patient and sympathetic to the newness of changing and getting older. I love your poems. 🙂


  16. I like the simplicity of this poem. I am not a fan of change either.


  17. ManicDdaily says:

    Don’t like it either. (But like the poem.) k.


  18. Know what, Viv–I look in the mirror and my 19-year-old self, who still thrives in me says–who the heck is that old lady? So, I go about my middle age, feeling internally 19.


  19. Yeah me neither! Enjoyed this Viv 🙂


  20. Grace says:

    I can relate to the growing old but hopefully with better care, we can age with less health issues ~ My grandma died really old at 92…yikes, but I don’t want to grow that old ~


  21. siggiofmaine says:

    ViV…my old refrain…first you stoop, and then you drop, getting old is chicken poop.
    Thought it was funny when I was young and memorized the lines from a birthday card…probably that dreaded “30” back in the day. Feb. will be 69 years for me…
    Enjoyed what you wrote immensely.
    Peace and love,


  22. Laurie Kolp says:

    I’m sorry you’re moaning, but this poem is a delight to read. I hope you have a wonderful 2013, Viv!


  23. cloudfactor5 says:

    Figured I better follow you before it gets any worse, moaning minnie…..I’m still laughing!


  24. NorthernJim says:

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog Viv : )
    Happy New Year x


  25. brian miller says:

    so i have this to look forward to eh? smiles….my time will come, my changes are not so drastic yet, but i def feel a bit of the middle of life…esp on cold days in the knees…..


  26. Mary says:

    Definitely some changes one could do without. But considering the alternative, I think as we age the best thing is to live with what is and make the most of what is while it is. LOL.


  27. couldn’t agree more viv!


  28. claudia says:

    Moaning Minnie…made me smile…and i stop commenting now…smiles


  29. claudia says:

    and no…we don’t want just positive responses…change is not always positive…so really viv…thanks for writing this and sharing it with us at the pub


  30. claudia says:

    yep…i can understand this….my mom is 85 now and has problems with her knees, walking hurts…not easy at all…


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