
Son is en route for China.

and the middle of China at that, where it will be very, very cold.  That is if he can get to Heathrow through all the floods. Last time he went, he dressed the part:

Robin in Chinese regalia

 It’s wet and soggy here, and likely to get wetter, but in England, rivers have gone (literally) over the top, so my heart goes out to anyone who is marooned or worse, shivering in some hilltop refuge.  Christmas is no time for this kind
of catastrophe.  Come to think of it, no other time would be any better.

May I wish you all a very happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas.  Don’t eat too much, and be kind to each other.

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About https://vivinfrance.wordpress.com

All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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18 Responses to 6-word-saturday

  1. Lizze says:

    I hope your son has a fun and safe journey!

    Merry (belated) Christmas. Happy New Year. And a wonderful 6WS, too! 🙂


  2. Snakypoet (Rosemary Nissen-Wade) says:

    Same to you,Viv. Your son looks splendid all dressed up for his previous visit.I hope he has a happy and successful journey this time. And yes, hoping the people in England get through this OK. (Forgive me if I repeat myself; I think comment didn’t get through the first time.)


  3. Snakypoet (Rosemary Nissen-Wade) says:

    Same yo you, Viv. I hope your son has a successful and enjoyable journey. Doesn’t he look splendid all dressed up for the previous visit? Yes, I do hope the people in England come through this OK!


  4. I hope that you stay well rested during the holidays and that some sunshine comes your way. Your son looks handsome in traditional Chinese garb. Hopefully he’ll get there alright with the weather being most foul in England. Enjoy the weekend or the calm before the storm of the festivities. 🙂


  5. Dana says:

    Merry Christmas!


  6. amanda says:

    Merry Christmas to you and yours Viv.
    Hopefully everything goes well for his trip. I won’t complain about how much rain we’ve had here…the rivers aren’t that full…and now it has finally turned to snow.


  7. Linda says:

    Hope your son will enjoy his time in China. Loved that picture of him!

    Hoping that flooding goes away and that people can enjoy the season.

    Glad to see you posting again. Hope you are doing lots better!

    Merry Christmas!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits


  8. Pamela says:

    Merry Christmas, Viv. I am wishing you and yours many blessings. Love your son’s outfit!

    Pamela ox


  9. Madhumathi says:

    I love that dress!


  10. Ron. says:

    Great photo, V.
    All our rain here is flakey and white. And piling up pretty fast, too, dammit!


  11. adinparadise says:

    Hope your son has a great time in China. He looks wonderful in that outfit. 🙂 Happy Christmas, Viv. x


  12. Judy says:

    Don’t let the rain put a damper on your Christmas! Enjoy it with your family and friends.


  13. ferragudofan says:

    ah Strictly – me too! can’t wait for this evening’s final!!
    amazing costume your son is wearing!
    have a great Christmas


  14. restlessjo says:

    Doesn’t he look fine, Viv! Yes, it’s rough going over here and I hope he makes it safely. When I was in York for the Ice Sculptures last weekend the river was at its very brim. It looks set to be a cold, wet Christmas. Bless them all, it must be a nightmare to be flooded.
    Hope you’re looking after yourself after the op, Viv. Not too much cooking and partying! (I’m a killjoy) Merry Christmas to you and the family. Here’s hoping for a happy 2013.

    P.S. My 6WS to follow much later this week, after zumba and some shopping.


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