Posse Poem

Apologies for burdening you with three posts on top of each other, but this week’s Reverie over at Joseph Harker’s place actually inspired me. After a fallow stretch where every word has had to be painfully squeezed out in pawky poetry, the words flowed with no effort at all.  Joseph wants a first person plural poem, a longer poem, which I don’t often do, and he wants the poem to be peopled with real people.  So be it.


Amy Jazz,
Linda Laughter
and me, the old bat –
we love to rant and rail

against injustice,
greedy bankers,
cruelty and war
and such-like iniquity –
inequality, too.

We take our cue
from Jesus, Luther King,
Francis of Assisi
and campaigners of that ilk

but we do it
in our own zany bloggy way –
ineffectual it may be,
but it gets it off our chests.

Perhaps one day
we blogging mates
will arise in righteous ire,
cause governments to fall,
bankers to fail
poverty to ease
and  pointless war to cease.

Amy and Linda know who they are!  You don’t need to know.

About https://vivinfrance.wordpress.com

All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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11 Responses to Posse Poem

  1. Misky says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed your take on this prompt, Viv. I so enjoy reading your blog that I’m nominating you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Some people prefer not to accept blog awards, and if you’re of that thinking, I hope that this nomination still brings new followers and friends to your blog.
    When you have a moment, pop over to http://miskcooks.com/2012/06/19/the-versatile-blogger-award/ for details of your nomination.



    • vivinfrance says:

      That is so kind, Misky, but I really don’t accept awards – because they can be so time consuming, like a chain letter – but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the honour you do me!


  2. Amen! I like how you worked your three other people in. I ended up adding three other animals — couldn’t come up with people. I read yours, and thought “brilliant!”


  3. Dana Leah says:

    full of spunk, a lovely nod to your fellow writers. x


  4. cloudfactor5 says:

    Great poem Viv, love your last stanza sentiments!


  5. mercadeo says:

    http://carryontuesdayprompt.blogspot.com/ The words in blue are from Helen Hunt-Jackson’s poem ‘New Year’s Morning’ HERE WE GO AGAIN!


  6. ceciliag says:

    Tripping along.. c


  7. markwindham says:

    well done. Go get ’em! Wreak havoc.


  8. margo roby says:

    You’re right, ViV, the poem moves with ease and was a joy to read.


  9. Ron. says:

    Count me in on that mob when it forms, Viv. Nice work, this.


  10. Tilly Bud says:

    a truly viv poem 😉


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