Napo 16 prompt for day 17

Napo 16  is a prompt of erasure or,  recombination. We are expected to create a poem from a rather odd paragraph from Annie Dillard’s book, The Writing Life, (which can be seen here:   either by erasing words from the paragraph, or recombining the words that are already there .  We are permitted to add a few new words.
I have to say that this isn’t as much fun as writing my own words, but perhaps my imagination is at fault.  The borrowed and rearranged words are in italics.  I shall be interested to see what others make of it over at Writers Island. 

“I pulled back the curtains
and sparks burnt my shirt,
 singed a sleeve.
I felt heat on my face and hands.
A roaring noise
from the erupting caldera,
aflame with yellow fire,
sent me running to the kitchen
in a futile search for water .
A rumbling, grinding noise
and the eruption subsided.


All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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12 Responses to Napo 16 prompt for day 17

  1. Judy Roney says:

    What an interesting prompt and it sounds like a difficult one that you did well . Congratulations. It’s good to stretch ourselves with different things/forms/styles.


  2. Mike Patrick says:

    I ran from it like a coward. Your poem is smashing.


  3. andy sewina says:

    I could see a clear picture here!

    Nicely worked out!!


  4. Linda says:

    You’ve done remarkably well with this prompt—the images are so tactile.


  5. pamela says:

    Viv, I think you handled the words skillfully. I saw that prompt and went “oh, no”, I am not fond of erasures in general. That passage for me, left something to be desired.



    • vivinfrance says:

      So did I (oh no, I mean). It was difficult to make anything coherent from that paragraph! I know there are lots of prompts flying about, and I’m foolish enough to try them all!


  6. Jinksy says:

    I must be contrary – I go my own way – but you might like to use some of my watery offering today! 🙂


  7. brenda w says:

    It certainly has me considering the eruption. You erased and rearranged words and made this your piece. Well done!


  8. Tilly Bud says:

    I’m going to treat it as a selective wordle (when I get time). I think you managed pretty well considering you don’t like the prompt.


  9. Not sure about what I make of this form, but you’ve done well with the passage.


  10. Congratulations on delivering on this prompt!


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