
for Writers Island Prompt 27  http://writersisland.wordpress.com/

A quandary,

To dye or not to dye
that is the question.
Blonde or brunette,
redhead, or yet
cover the onset of grey?
That would be such a fag,
roots growing would nag –
to retouch them, a drag –
I won’t be deciding today.

About https://vivinfrance.wordpress.com

All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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23 Responses to Quandary

  1. nimaruichi says:

    Every single person has to face the dyeing dilemma at some point or the other in life. 🙂


  2. ninotaziz says:

    Ha! Ha!

    I face this quandary every three months or so.


  3. Elise says:

    I am happily dye free at 48. I love my new hair, I call it Silver Goddess!


  4. Diane T says:

    This poem made me smile. I had a period of going natural, but people thought I was so much older than I am. Went back to dying! But if a person has beautiful white hair, there is no reason to.


  5. Tilly Bud says:

    oo, I feel a poem coming on…


  6. Tilly Bud says:

    I just found this in my inbox; don’t know how I missed it. I love it. And you are perfect just as you are, so don’t dye.


    • vivinfrance says:

      Far from perfect: but I have no intention of dyeing (or dying, come to that). The poem resulted from a discussion with my friend Maria, 77, who has grey roots and blond air!


  7. totomai says:

    take your time in deciding 🙂


  8. Harshika says:


    weird yet interesting…

    guess i should check the defi of the title 😦


  9. 1sojournal says:

    My younger sister started turning gray at age seventeen. We have no idea what her natural hair would look like now. My older sister is fully gray and both of them did color their hair for years. I never did, and still retain much of my original color. They tell me its really gray in the back, and I tell them that I can’t see it so it doesn’t matter. And btw, I love that all white hair, always have, and it always draws my eye.



  10. Amanda says:

    The story of my life here Vivienne! I gave up because my protruding gray takes over like chicken pocks at a summer camp! This should be my mantra!


  11. kaykuala says:

    It is good to dye to the original colour. White hair would look thinner but when dyed the head looked full again. It’ll bring you back to where you were say, 5 years ago maybe 10. A younger sibling next to you may appear older. I know. Been through it.
    Brilliant take on your piece!




  12. pamela says:

    This made me laugh. Being a person who dyes their hair, I hate when the roots grow back. Being a blond helps though 😉


  13. Faith says:

    A quandary most of us face! I don’t mind if mine turns gray – as long as it doesn’t turn loose! 🙂


  14. Deborah says:

    I liked this very much :o)


  15. Rene Foran says:

    I am dealing with this same quandary. I’d like champagne hi-lights on a beer budget 🙂


  16. Mary says:

    I do think pure white is beautiful. Why dye! (Fun poem!)


  17. If my hair was pure white I wouldn’t worry about it. Cute poem, Viv.


  18. anthonynorth says:

    In not deciding, you must be having a good hair day. Being a man in my mid-50s, I’m just glad I’ve still got some 😉

    Enjoyed that.


  19. gospelwriter says:

    Most of my younger siblings dye their hair, but I have so far resisted. Why start now? I say to myself. I was told years ago that it would be easier to get a job (or a man, for that matter) if I dyed my hair – and my response was, still is, no job (or man) is worth changing myself in ways that don’t sit right with me. Now, if I do it for myself, that’s a different story…


  20. vivinfrance says:

    I don’t dye now – my hair has been pure white for about 10 years. This poem arose out of a discussion with a determined blonde lady of 77 over coffee this morning.


  21. Pushpee says:

    hahaahaha! lovely!..don/t dye..ur salt n pepper hair suits u fine :))


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