Jock’s Embroideries

Mister Flowers from the Kitchen's Garden

Mister Flowers from
the Kitchen’s Garden

These are some of the many embroideries done by Jock using the technique “peinture avec l’aiguille” (painting with the needle)  Each piece can take weeks to plan and then more weeks to do. 


24 Responses to Jock’s Embroideries

  1. knettycraft says:

    All masterpieces! How beautiful they are… stunning!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. gaylehoover says:

    Lucky you to have such a talented husband. Lucky him for having such a talented wife! Much love, Your Gayle

    Liked by 1 person

  3. irmi says:

    Dear Viv, I came over from Celi’s blog ’cause you made me curious for Jock’s needle paintings. They are great! Iove best the camel pics, so so lovely and well done!
    Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂
    Was looking for the pea cock ones, have to search (or wait?) a little more though.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I can only say STUNNING!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. june says:

    |Thank you for sharing such wonderful images. I can’t imagine working that diligently on anything. Good to know you through Brigid’s blog. Not a poet or needlewoman; my way is through paint and music. And reading of course!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Alice Keys says:

    I love the camels very much. I really like the man and all the textural details the thread give to the skin of his face.


  7. Oh my gosh! Incredible. I used to do tapestry work for our house and friends (and loved it), but now here in this heat and bad eyes, this love has been put away. Sadly. But what wonderful work you show us here.Thank you so very much.


  8. restlessjo says:

    I am gobsmacked! The eagle is stunning. My other favourite is the very first camel with the rather superior expression on its face.


  9. I LOVE these, Viv!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!


  10. Ellen Knight says:

    I had no idea that such beautifully detailed work was even possible! :0


  11. Incredible, Jock. They do appear to be paintings. Love the birds (particular favorites), love every one of them.



  12. elizabeth says:

    Astonishingly beautiful work. Wow!


  13. I don’t believe there is a word or words to express the beauty seen here, the hard work from the idea to completion must be done only with God’s hand guiding yours. such an honor to be able to view such talent. Thank you, God bless you and your house!


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