WordPress Gripes Again

Recently it has become more and more difficult to post poetry in a coherent fashion.  Extra line spaces arrive unbidden and it takes an age to eliminate them, especially as all lines below the unwanted space become mysteriously italicised.  Does anyone know how to change this ?

The new system of adding photographs no longer allows the options of Thumbnail, medium, large and actual size. It also doesn’t enable correct positioning of photos within text.

This makes creating a post laborious in the extreme. It also means that we have to resize normal photographs in our files, taking up unnecessary disk space.

Please can we have our old system back: it worked beautifully.

PS  Oops!  A kind WordPress person sent me an email:  “If you scroll to the bottom of the Insert Media window, you’ll see that in the right pane, there’s a Size option which will allow you to select the aforementioned sizes.”

I tried it and it works.  The problem is that the options are not immediately visible as they used to be,  you have to scroll way down beyond insert into post.   WP never tells us these things in advance when they make changes.

About https://vivinfrance.wordpress.com

All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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17 Responses to WordPress Gripes Again

  1. Pseu says:

    Lots here….
    I have resorted to printing out a poem and then scanning it in, saving as a photo then posting it as if it is a photo, to keep the layout I wanted!

    When posting photos I always edit the photo first : I make a copy, so I don’t loose the original, then I edit the copy photo to a smaller pixel size, (640 x 420, or some such – it is an option I am given in my editing program)… that photo then doesn’t take up too much space on your blog storage space.

    I always put my photos in in the biggest size…. it takes up not more space than posting it smaller, as you have done the pixel reduction prior to uploading it to your post.


  2. among other problems they are having …posts not posting …disappearing from draft etc yes like the old way. will try your friends suggeston of live writer.


  3. sanstorm says:

    When I have trouble with poetry layout, I have to go and use the iphone app to delete the lines don’t want.
    It’s very annoying. Although this week I was having bother trying to put in spaces between paragraphs and it wasn’t letting me.
    All the best in your mission to iron out the glitches.


  4. Lindy Lee says:

    WordPress could be a whole lot more user friendly…


  5. restlessjo says:

    I hear you. Took me a time or two with the photos. Sorry, no solution for the text.


  6. I was going to say the same thing as Tom. Hope that helps.


  7. cecilia says:

    Ah, I see where it all began now.. c


  8. Viv, I use Windows Live Writer for my posts, it’s a free download and you can format the post there before uploading it to your site. You can also resize photos, colour text, schedule posts and do other things (that I haven’t tried yet!) It works fine, I’d say 99% of the time, but I do spot the occasional formatting error after uploading the post – I’m not sure if this is with Live Writer or WordPress though. Try it and see if it helps… 🙂


  9. jmgoyder says:

    I know – hopefully all will be back to normal soon!


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