
This week’s prompt made me giggle, and my first two attempts are rather irreverent, so I thought I’d better dig a little deeper for the final two! 

My mother swore by
the support of Spirella
famous for corsets.


Cherie Blair wants us
to forswear husbands’ support:
what if he leaves us?


As well as strong walls,
a house needs good foundations –
build to withstand storms.


Friends, my prop and stay.
Where would I be without them?
In the soup, that’s where.

Ex-Prime Minister’s wife Cherie Blair made the headlines this week with some weird logic.  She thinks that women should not rely on financial support from their husbands in case he dies or leaves them, and stayathome Mums are setting a bad example to their children.


All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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9 Responses to Support

  1. Pranita says:

    Haha… sweet set! Enjoyed the read 😀


  2. Jaideep Rao says:

    Last two were really well put, made me smile throughtout, thank u 🙂


  3. Mr. Walker says:

    Four very different takes on support. I liked them all.



  4. Leo says:

    That’s why we build the foundation first, to support our high rise buildings 🙂


  5. Dark Angel says:

    ha ha..nice one 🙂


  6. Tilly Bud says:

    Good range in response to the prompt.

    My blood is boiling all over again at the mention of CB.


  7. kaykuala says:

    Chuckles too! Cherie being a successful lawyer must have seen cases wrought with problems with the demise of the hubby. Occurrence of even a single case can cause jitters. She’s being practical. Great write, Viv!



  8. adinparadise says:

    Very good ones, Viv. You made me giggle too. 😉


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