Gone travelling

Back Tuesday

Written for BigTent, my haibun foretells tomorrow’s trials.

Travelogue Haibun for BigTent poetry 24.9.10

Misty start before the dawn sees us on the road to Caen to catch the ferry, baggage, packed and picnic prepared the day before.  I yawn all the way, but by the time we’re on the boat I am more or less in the land of the living.  La Manche flat calm, the voyage is tedious  so lunch is eaten at eleven.

Motorway driving
fraught and fretful, anxiously
watching the clock.

We are, as usual, astonished at the amount of traffic on English roads, used as we are to tranquil French country lanes.  The route to Stansted is fraught with cones, hazards, delays and frustrations.

Check-in early to
shuffle through security
will I ever fly?

Hurry up and wait:  that’s my view of travelling.  Two hours to wait on a contraption of torture masquerading as a seat.  A hum of white noise punctuated by gobbledegook drums into my head as repeatedly I scan the screen. Flight used to be thought an adventure, but now it’s just a chore. 

clumsy bounce on tarmac
Newcastle-on-Tyne, hooray
hugs and smiles my joy



About https://vivinfrance.wordpress.com

All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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19 Responses to Gone travelling

  1. Deft descriptive observation of ‘modern’ travel which feels like cattle car travel, leaving us anxious, overtired anxious. Yet how easily that disappears when we finally/suddenly arrived. Enjoyed the check-in haiku. See how well 3 haikus could stand on their own as 3-stanza poem. I so resonated with this depiction of travel today. Thank-you for visit to the zoo. A biento


  2. sadlywaiting says:

    An anticipatory travelogue – a brilliant idea – what you imagined was delightful to read – and then the irony of it not happening at all.


  3. Cara Holman says:

    I’m with you, Viv– traveling is something to be endured– simply the means to a happy ending. Bon voyage!


  4. 1sojournal says:

    This form really worked well for what you had to say. Liked all of it, somehow made more vivid with the haiku inserted at just the right spots. The last plane trip I made was to Las Vegas and home again. Not at all enjoyable and probably will not be repeated. I much prefer traveling by car. Fairly certain that’s a control issue, lol. Thanks for your comments,



  5. You did an outstanding poems with the haibun technique. I am so sorry you did not get what you were expecting, Viv.


  6. barbara says:

    The time spent between the front door and the airplane is sometimes immense compared to actual flight time. Of course you can put the trials into perspective by imagining your trip on an old local bus—sans toilet.

    Especially like the third haiku. You seem comfortable with this form.


  7. wysfool says:

    An anticipated journey with thorns. I am sorry you have to delay that warm, cuddly ending. You Europeans take such a cavalier attitude toward national boundaries (I know this because I watch Househunters International) that it required a google session for me to understand your route.


  8. What a horrifically tiring journey. I thoroughly enjoyed this read. At about four years old my first flight was on a four engined Super Constellation. I do remember it vividly and the thrill of flight. Fifty-six years later I was home a total of three days one January with the rest of the time experiencing a sore tail bone and a jet strapped to my backside. No joy there. I’d rather bike. Good haibun.


  9. systematicweasel says:

    Flight used to be an adventure, now it’s just a chore. A statement I couldn’t agree more with. Wonderfully written work! =)



  10. pamela says:

    ‘Hurry up and wait’, seems we do a lot of that.


  11. Carolee says:

    yes! flight used to be adventure, now it’s just a chore. that is a wonderful observation!


  12. derrick2 says:

    “Bummer”, as they say in all the best circles! There is no pleasure or glamour in travel these days.


  13. christopher says:

    You nailed it! A good balance between humor and vexation.


  14. vivinfrance says:

    I won’t go if I have to stand! Just re-fixed to fly across next week and stay for longer. I get no refund on the missed flights.


  15. Tilly Bud says:

    Viv, I love this concept and you do it so well.

    As for your comments on plane seats – how will you feel when Mr Ryanair gets his way and we’re all standing for shorthaul flights?


  16. Jingle says:

    smooth sailing!


  17. Mary says:

    Viv, do have a good trip. I find I do love the halibun and think I will use it another time or two. I agree about the ‘hurry up and wait,’ but after you get there you will forget about all the problems of travel! Beautiful quilt too, by the way!


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