The Kindness of Strangers


Is this what God felt like –
that the world was going to hell in a bucket –
when he decided to send his Son to save us all?.
It may have worked for a while – though I doubt it,
as history shows more wars and oppression,
torture and cruelty, mostly in the name of religion,
or fuelled by greed and ambition for fame.

TV news would have us believe
that military intervention is the answer to
internecine revolution. I deny it.
More killing to stop killing?  Lunacy.
The glorification of so-called heroism,
to die for a fallacious cause.

What hope is there for the future,
for the electronic-obsessed generation?
More of the same?
Escape from reality with
violence and more violence?

What we need is kindness,
the kindness of strangers,
tolerance of others’ point of view,
care for the halt and the lame,
respect and love for all.

In response to the Red Wolf prompt today, this was inspired by  poem by Margaret Fieland(below)  published in Red Wolf Journal where I read much lovely poetry. Sorry this is such a rant.

The Wayfarer

To the stranger
who helped me
when I stumbled
up subway stairs,
made polite conversation,
as he ignored
his gut-gnawed urge
for a fix.

Bless you, buddy,
wherever you are,
these forty years




All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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10 Responses to The Kindness of Strangers

  1. Your poem reminds me, once again, that amongst the demagoguery, BS, politics, lies, and manipulation, it still is possible for two human beings to connect. A wonderful response.


  2. colonialist says:

    Would that it were that simple. History has shown, though, that there are ways that are evil, and ways that – though not good – are better. If the only means of stamping out the evil is to fight it, then that is what has to happen in order to prevent the unspeakable.


  3. Jesus would have ranted right along with you. He hates religion 🙂


  4. restlessjo says:

    Rant excused, Viv 🙂


  5. Vivian, so nice to hear you were inspired by my poem, “The Wayfarer.” I still remember the guy who helped me home that day so long ago.

    Margaret Fieland


  6. Worthy indeed, Viv. Wow…you’ve expressed so eloquently thoughts that spill and swirl in my mind about this mess we’re in and you’ve named so beautifully the tincture and cure for this illness in your closing. Such a great and thought-provoking write, thank you.


  7. Irene says:

    It’s a worthy rant. So good to hear from you, Viv.


  8. Misky says:

    Hear hear, Viv. My stomach gnaws when I hear “the ultimate sacrifice”. It’s a horror.



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