wordle 15 – Victoria Sponge

Take four eggs and weigh them in their shells,
blend with the same weight of richer butter
add sweetness with an equal weight of sugar.
Take a deep breath, use a flexible whisk
and forceful energy to beat the hell out of them
until the mix dramatically becomes  light and fluffy

The tricks of the trade
require you now to replace
energy with lightness, tenderness and love.
Sift the same weight of plain flour,
with a teaspoon of baking powder
into your frothy batter,
holding it high above the bowl
so that it falls like white rain.

Push the hair out of your eyes
with the back of your hand
and exchange whisk for metal spoon.
Gently, lightly, turn your wrist
over and over until the flour merges
and all is smooth again.

Your oven is ready, hot but not too hot,
Two loose-bottomed tins are lined
with baking parchment.
Divide the pale mixture quietly
between the tins, and place
in the middle part of the oven,
being careful not to joggle them.

Now you must be patient.
Glance in on them from time to time –
you don’t want them to burst into flames –
but you mustn’t open the door.
I repeat, do not keep opening the door.

When the cakes have risen evenly,
and acquired an all over light tan,
now you can open the door.
Reach in with hesitant finger
and gingerly touch  the middle.
Each perfectly cooked cake
will spring back at once,
to where it was before you prodded it.
Take out your luscious booty,
stand the tins on a board for a breather.
Now you must be brave.
Push up the bottom of each tin,
and cautiously slide the cake
in its paper onto a wire rack.
Remove the rings and paper
and wait another little while
until they’re cool.

Spread home-made jam –
any flavour will do – on one;
slap on a dollop of thick cream,
stack the other one on top,
lightly dust with caster sugar
and enjoy your teatime treat –
the perfect Victoria Sponge.

Brenda described this week’s wordle words as a baker’s dozen, so my poem naturally sprang from thoughts of baking.  The best butter and thick cream are counsels of perfection – the cake may be lighter made with margarine, but won’t taste as good.  It also helps to add a tablespoon of cold water to the egg mix.

I used all the words.  I missed last week’s wordle, so I hope you’ll forgive this rather long one. There will, I am sure, be less prosaic wordles on Sunday morning at http://sundaywhirl.wordpress.com/

About https://vivinfrance.wordpress.com

All poetry, prose and pictures posted here, except where otherwise stated, is my own, and may only be used elsewhere with my expressed permission. Please don't be inhibited from correcting my bloopers and making suggestions: Most of what I post here is instant, ill-considered and off-the-cuff, in serious need of editing.
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22 Responses to wordle 15 – Victoria Sponge

  1. sarsm says:

    I love this!! I never thought of weighing the eggs in their shells. It’s genius! Do you use plain flour then (because of the added baking powder).
    I will save this and try your version out!


  2. ceciliag says:

    Thought i had read this one before and completely missed that it was a sponge.,. love the weighing.. c


    • vivinfrance says:

      It’s so much easier to equalise the other ingredients with the eggs in their shells. As with most baking, it’s the proportions that are important. I have difficulty with the mixture of cups in Anerican measures, despite the excellent conversion chart I found on Google.


  3. “Now you must be patient.
    Glance in on them from time to time –
    you don’t want them to burst into flames –
    but you mustn’t open the door.
    I repeat, do not keep opening the door.”

    I love this stanza!! Reminds me of when I was a kid peering in through the window of the oven door. Sounds so scrumptious.


  4. kizmet says:

    Vivian, I found this while looking for Monday’s Haiku it is so wonderful I was totally engrossed! Betty Crocker could not have written this better!


  5. Tilly Bud says:

    What a great idea for a poem! You should produce a book of poem recipes – I’m sure it’s never been done.

    Love ‘white rain’.


  6. markwindham says:

    I’m hungry now! Sadly, I do not like to bake, love cooking but not baking. Too strict an adherence to the recipes required.


  7. tmhHoover says:

    “Take a deep breath, use a flexible whisk and forceful energy to beat the hell out of them…” If every cook book was written as clearly, I would be able to cook.


  8. pmwanken says:

    OH! I want to bake now!! And, I agree with Richard. If every recipe book was so delightful. And the wordle words were completely whisked away from sight as you blended them in so smoothly.



  9. Mr. Walker says:

    Viv, I just love this. All cookbooks should be so delightful to read. I really like how you capture the different skills that are required – “to replace / energy with lightness”.



  10. nan says:

    Yummy – and a fun read. For some reason, this stanza stood out for its excellent enjambment… which creates the visual of the cake bouncing back in the spot of the poke:
    Each perfectly cooked cake
    will spring back at once,
    to where it was before you prodded it.


  11. margo roby says:

    No forgiveness required when a recipe is involved! This was fun, ViV. I’m glad to hear you are behaving, even if it is driving you nuts. Of course, as soon as you are up again…


  12. brenda w says:

    The raining flour is my favorite image….I love your use of language, Viv, and as always, your humor. This is what I want for breakfast….your poem made concrete…on a plate, in front of me. 🙂


  13. Mary says:

    Now you have proceeded to make me hungry, Viv! Not that I am much of a baker….sigh.


  14. Pseu says:

    Lovely recipe poem, Viv!


  15. irene says:

    Delicious poem. Is there a pun in Victoria Sponge?


  16. Great job with the wordle! I would never have gotten that this was a wordle — it reads effortlessly. And it has made me very hungry.


  17. Mama Zen says:

    This is just marvelous!


  18. ceciliag says:

    I really like this one, it is exactly how we do it, beating then folding then watching then YUM.. and now i am looking forward to the new chocolate and orange cake recipe.. have a good restful evening viv! c


    • vivinfrance says:

      I’m on the case, C. There was also an excellent recipe for a savoury cake on TV this lunchtime (still slobbing out in bed and getting square eyes). I’ve put that recipe into a file and maybe send it to you by email. These TV chefs might be a bit picky about me posting their recipes for the world to read!


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